Ealing Council has secured more than £550,000 in extra funding to help tackle potholes on the borough’s roads and highways.
A grant successfully secured from the Department for Transport late last year has seen the council providing further investment in improving surfaces and repairing potholes. Engineers have been targeting the most affected areas, which are identified following regular inspections and feedback from local people.
The council is committed to ensuring that roads across Ealing are in good condition, but the network does suffer from the impact of severe weather, especially over the winter months. This funding has helped to target some of the sections of road that have deteriorated over the last year, allowing the council’s engineers to make improvements that would have not been possible otherwise.
Each year independent, accredited surveyors walk the entire length of the borough’s roads checking for defects, potholes, cracking, and other signs of deterioration and damage. Each road is given a rating and those in the poorest condition are selected for resurfacing.
This funding helps the council not only repair the individual potholes, it allows the whole road in that location to be resurfaced – meaning a safer and smoother ride for drivers and cyclists using it.
Councillor Mik Sabiers, cabinet member for environment and highways said: “Cracks and potholes in our roads can worsen during periods of severe weather, causing hazards to pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.
“That’s why eliminating potholes and resurfacing roads and pavements in poor condition continues to be a priority for this council and our residents.
“The funding we have successfully secured from the department for transport has allowed us to make further improvements to our network in a way that would not have been possible without it.
“Year on year, we have continued to invest millions of pounds in our roads despite the massive financial pressures we are facing. Our independent survey allows outside experts to judge which roads and pavements should be prioritised and I am delighted we are able to do so many.”
Visit the council website for further information about highway maintenance in Ealing.