Councillor Costigan with sign for Live West Ealing programme

Transforming West Ealing

Residents in West Ealing can have their say on exciting changes to local streets and public spaces based on suggestions from locals themselves to ensure people can walk, cycle and use public transport more easily and safely.

The Live West Ealing initiative was first launched in 2018 asking residents for their input on ideas to make roads and streets in the area safer, healthier and more attractive, with trees, rain gardens, and more room for walkers and cyclists. The project had to be put on hold because of the Covid pandemic. Now it’s time for residents to make sure the ideas still make sense.

The council, working with Transport for London, developed a programme of improvements for the area based on feedback from local residents and businesses, but some of the proposals have changed since Covid as more work has been done to check how they might work in practice.

Councillor Deirdre Costigan, deputy leader and cabinet member for climate action, said: “We listened to what West Ealing residents told us about improvements they would like to see and how we can transform local streets to fill them with more trees, wild flowers and spaces to stop and chat. The proposals we developed have changed since we last consulted on them before Covid, and we are now going back to residents to check again if there is support for reshaping West Ealing so that it’s a healthier and more pleasant place to live, shop and socialise.”

Residents can view the proposals for transforming their neighbourhood on a display at West Ealing Library or on the railings at Dean Gardens and give their feedback on Tuesday 27 February 5pm – 8pm and Saturday 16 March 11am – 2pm at the library.

Anyone who can’t attend the public events can give their views online using the Live West Ealing website by the close of the consultation on 31 March. Alternatively, residents will be able to collect paper surveys at West Ealing library. Completed surveys can be returned to the comment box in the library.  

The engagement team will also ask for the views of students at local schools and consult with local businesses.

The programme is part of the council’s boroughwide commitment to invest at least £10m to increase cycling, walking, running, and scooting through active travel.

All the council’s active travel initiatives such as Live West Ealing, are based on co-designing proposals that transform communities and towns with local residents themselves, as laid out in the Travel in Ealing charter.

Encouraging more sustainable and environmentally friendly methods of transport is part of the council’s aim to improve air quality in the borough and combat the climate emergency. 

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