COVID-19 stewards

COVID-19 stewards on Ealing’s high streets

As restrictions ease and businesses reopen, as part of the government’s Spring 2021 Roadmap, the council’s COVID-19 stewards are continuing to visit Ealing’s high streets and public spaces. They are on hand to give advice and support to businesses and residents about COVID-19 rules, helping to keep Ealing safe and reduce the spread of the virus.

Keeping Ealing safe

The stewards’ remit is to remind and encourage people to follow the COVID-19 public health measures such as adhering to social distancing, wearing face coverings where required, and avoiding social mixing.

The council’s stewards have also visited more than 3,000 businesses in the past year to give advice on the restrictions in place, and distribute posters and social distance floor stickers to assist businesses in implementing COVID-19 secure measures.

The stewards are visiting locations across the borough, focusing on high footfall areas including high streets, shopping areas and transport hubs. As restrictions continue to ease they will also focus on areas with high concentrations of hospitality businesses such as pubs, restaurants and takeaways.

As part of their work the COVID-19 stewards also help the council to identify areas of concern, including businesses who might not be following guidelines or may require additional support. Where necessary they will also refer matters to the relevant authorities for enforcement such as the police or the council’s regulatory services.

The COVID-19 stewards patrol the borough seven days a week on rotas that cover day, night and weekend activity.

Report it

If you are concerned about breaches to the government’s restrictions, please report your concerns to the relevant authorities to investigate.

The police enforce restrictions on gatherings and rules on face covering and self isolation. For concerns about breaches of those rules please contact the police using their online form or by calling the non-emergency police telephone number 101.

If you are concerned about a business that might not be operating safely such as not complying with COVID-19 secure measures, restrictions and closure rules please notify the council by emailing

Businesses can also contact for advice and support on how to implement and follow the regulations.

Funding information

COVID-19 stewards are funded through an allocation of the COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Local Government, announced by the government in late September 2020 and the Reopening High Street Safely fund.

The Reopening High Street Safely fund project is receiving up to £300,759 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Greater London Authority is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations. For more information visit government’s website.

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