Shielding resident

Taking extra care of shielding residents

To date, Ealing Council has spoken to nearly 6,000 residents who are on the NHS shielding list for COVID-19. New calls are taking place all the time as the contact list is updated by government,  however, there is a group of around 800 people who they have not been able to reach, despite trying multiple times.

The council is now writing to these individuals asking them to call 020 8825 7170 and let the council know if need support or if they can be removed from their list. If the council does not hear back from anyone who has been sent a letter, the next step will be to carry out welfare checks.

The council is starting to send letters this week.

We have a duty of care

Councillor Peter Mason, cabinet lead for Ealing Together, said: “The people on the NHS shielding list have health conditions that mean they are at high-risk of being hospitalised if they catch COVID-19. That’s why they have been advised to stay at home for 12 weeks.

“The vast majority of the people we have spoken to have support from family and friends so do not need any help from us. We have been pleased to be able to help the ones that do and have, so far, delivered nearly 3,000 food parcels to shielding residents.

“I fully expect that the remaining people that we have not spoken to are either staying in another household, or don’t want to answer the phone to an unknown number. However, we are very mindful of our duty of care to everyone who is shielding and are now taking extra measures to make sure they are OK and have the support they need.

“If you receive a letter from Ealing Council asking you to get in touch with us, please do call, even if its to tell us to stop bothering you. We would rather be told to stop calling 1,000 times than to leave just one vulnerable person without the help they need.”

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