The Goodlet diaries: Week 36

Week 36 sees our diarist Alexander meet some other Goodlets in Hampstead, who had previously lived in Russia for three generations before having to flee back to England. August ends on a depressing personal note, but he lifts his spirits with some model aeroplane flying on Ealing Common (pictured).

August-September 1936

Saturday, 29.8.36

Up at 8.49 this morning to bid goodbye to Ruby, who left London with great reluctance. After breakfast I fear I went to bed and slept until 3.30, when old Buzz very sportingly made me lunch. Ine and the Doc. were out shopping and the Mater and Pater snoozing in the drawing room. Went down to the Library and on to the Aunts’, with whom I had tea. Then on to Kidd, where I had dinner with him and Joan and spent a very charming evening. The Mater, Ine and Doc. looked in en route to the Aunts’.

Very little news of note.

Somehow it has been more forcefully (than usual) borne into me this week how the years are passing and have brought me neither position of any sort nor means, which is to say, no standing of any kind at all.

Sunday, 30.8.36

Rose at 12 and had a special breakfast. Found Ine and the Doc. were not going off today, but were coming with us to the Goodlets at Hampstead; and in fact they took us in the car, which made it a very pleasant experience.

The Goodlets, from whom we obtained much interesting family information, are interesting and delightful people. The father, Mr Robert Goodlet, a charming old man of about 78, Mrs Goodlet, who is a very wonderful woman, his sister, Miss Lisabeth Goodlet, whom I liked immensely, and the son and daughter. We heard much of their life in (for over three generations) Russia and their hair raising escape from it. Altogether, a most enjoyable visit.

The son took the Doc. and me for a walk through Ken wood. Home by 10.20. The Boys spent the afternoon at the Aunts’.

The Queen Mary seems well on the way to break the west to east Atlantic record on her way home.

Monday, 31.8.36

Wakened momently to wish Ine and the Doc. good luck as they departed at 11 am and then slept until 1. Busy on routine work all afternoon and after tea went over to the Aunts’, with whom I spent a pleasant hour. Have done little since dinner save routine work and the clearing up of my workbench.

So this is the last of August, and a most eventful and energetic one it has proved for us all. Let’s hope it may prove the forerunner of still busier and even pleasanter ones.

The great news of today, of course, is that the Queen Mary holds the record at last, with a splendid west to east crossing. Good luck to her. The French have been most sporting about it and, I expect, will now go all out to try and get it back.

Today the Nahlin, with the King on board, has a slight collision with a pierhead on Greek waters, but the damage was insignificant.

Tuesday, 1.9.36

The Mater brought me tea and toast in bed this morning and it was delicious. Thereafter slept until 1 pm. Busy in the afternoon and at six took Joan and the youngsters home. Then met Fuzz and assisted him to fly his model aeroplane on the Common. We had some good flights.

Home to find that the Mater’s niece Doddie, Mrs Blake and her husband, had arrived and we sat and chatted with them for nearly three hours. Dinner in consequence was very late. They belong to the branch of the Mater’s family who have been so long estranged, but I must say they seem decent, likeable folk. It is most queer how this year seem to bring about the resurrection of so many family connections.

Today I bought two of the new King Edward VIII stamps, and sent one to J.M.’s Weekly Times.

Wednesday, 2.9.36

Up at 1pm and down to the bank after lunch. Very narrowly missed being late, as my train was held up at Earl’s Court. Spent an hour in Charing Cross, really in the faint hope of seeing Jeanette; but – no luck. Home to tea and then went over to the Aunts’, who were considerably incensed at the news of their niece being in town.

Home, to the find the latter was here, having called to say good bye on their way home. Owing to their visit dinner was again horribly delayed, so that our cleaning up was not finished until 11.30.

Little news, and that bad. The troubles still rage in Palestine and Spain. Madrid has been badly air raided in the last two days and several hostages have been shot in consequence. A beastly business.

I see that 30,000,000 of the new stamps were sold yesterday.

Thursday, 3.9.36

Was wakened this morning by the Mater’s bringing me the splendid news that Buzz has successfully passed his Higher Certificate Examination. This is a fine effort by a youngster 16 ½ years old. Everyone is delighted and he has had many cards during the day, including one from J. Fryers.
The Aunts were of course intoxicated with joy.

After lunch I helped the Boys fly their ‘plane on the Common and went on to Ealing to have my hair cut. Visited the Library.

Competitive racing started tonight, but only Kidd and JD turned up. However, we sailed three jolly races, all of which Kidd won.

Not very much news today, but I fear Irun is about to fall to the Spanish Rebels.

Mrs Lee rang up today.

Friday, 4.9.36

Up late as usual and been went back to bed for a second snooze after lunch. Later went down to the library and on to tea at the Aunts’. Found them well and still very excited about Buzz’s success.

Met Kidd on the way home and had a long chat with him. Arrived home to find Ine and the Doc. back from their E.C. holiday and in good spirits. I was delighted to have a long letter from JM tonight giving me all his news and saying he hopes to be home for Christmas. He seems to be having rather a bloody time. Wrote Wraight and went to Ealing to post it. Afterwards the Doc and I sailed several interesting matches.

The news today is bad all round. Several battalions are sailing for Palestine; Irun fell today amid scenes of horrible carnage; and the whole European atmosphere is worse than ever.

Still no news from Jeanette.

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