Tower Bridge with bascules open

The Goodlet diaries: Week 37

Week 37 of Goodlet’s diaries from 80 years ago include a visit to the Tower of London, news of a cross-Atlantic flight, and some pondering of a spooky prophecy that foretold September would ‘mark the end of the World Economic Depression, but that a season of wars is at hand’. Just four days later he comments on how ‘Hitler and co. are continuing their crazy vocal campaign against Jewry and Communism’.

September 1936

Saturday, 5.9.36

Rose at 11 am desperately tired and at 12.30 set off with the Boys to visit the Tower (of London). Except that a furious storm raged during most of our visit, it was a great success and the Boys were much taken with all they saw. We were fortunate too in seeing some LI company, the Durhams, I think, take over the Tower from the Irish Guards. We spent some time on Tower Bridge and saw two steamers, the Cormorant and the Starling. After tea the Boys went up the Monument and we then walked as far as Charing Cross, passing HMS President en fete for Navy Week. Home about 7.30.

An Englishwoman, a Mrs Beryl Markham, has just flown the Atlantic east to west. She was making for New York, but was forced down on Breton Island through shortage of petrol. A wonderful achievement, but a damned silly, unnecessary risk.

Two people were struck dead by lightning in St. James’ Park this afternoon.

Sunday, 6.9.36

Slept until lunch time today, in spite of the Mater’s giving me breakfast in bed. After lunch Ine and the Doc departed for Brighton and we heard later that they had safely arrived after a good journey.

Kidd, Joan and the little girls were over to tea and I saw them home on my way over to the Aunts’, on whom I called before dinner.

Quiet evening and as we have had on the drawing room fire tonight I am writing in front of it.

Very little news of interest. I see we are proposing to send no less than 12,000 troops to Palestine.

Monday, 7.9.36

Up for breakfast at 11, then spoiled it all by returning to bed until 3pm, being somehow absolutely tired out, utterly exhausted.

After tea went to the Library and then on to the Aunts’. Busy on routine work all evening and am going early to bed, for me.

Very little news today. There seems to be a momentary lull in Spanish affairs, but murder still runs riot in Palestine.

I was reading a prophecy tonight that September 16th will mark the end of the World Economic Depression, but that a season of wars is at hand.

Today died Lord Moynihan, the great surgeon, and today is celebrated the centenary of the birth of Sir Arthur Campbell-Bannerman, the great Liberal leader, perhaps the greatest.

Tuesday, 8.9.36

Was up for breakfast at 10 this morning and did not go back to bed. In the afternoon the Boys took me to the pictures to see the film Rhodes, and I must say I think it was magnificent, acting, drama, accurate history and story. I was glad I saw it.

Home to dinner and thereafter wrote a long letter to JM (which I subsequently recollected I had posted with 2 1d instead of 2 1 1/2 d stamps).

Filled in and sent off also the attempts for a newspaper competition in which Buzz and I are going shares. If only we could be successful.

After posting these letters in Ealing I went for a long walk.

Today in Lisbon harbour there was a short mutiny by two Portugese warships, but they were speedily overawed by the forts.

Wednesday, 9.9.36

I am entering this under the shadow of a horrible doubt. Tonight that bloody wireless in the late news said that three British constables had been killed in Palestine today, without however giving their names. And now it’s a ghastly wait until morning to learn who are the names. In any case, tragedy for some folk. What a bloody mad, beastly world it is ever since the War. Poor Mater, what must she be thinking tonight. Jock’s three year absence has been a purgatory for her.

Was up at 11 this morning, but unhappily went back to bed and slept until 2.30. Worked on the front garden until dinner time, except for a short respite while I escorted Joan and the youngsters home after tea.

After dinner altered the lamp of my Rocket and had a steam test, but it was very poor. There is nothing for it but to make a new boiler.

Thursday, 10.9.36

Lay down on top of the bed last night intending to be the first to see the papers, but towards six dozed off and was wakened by the Mater at ten to tell me that all was well, as JM’s name wasn’t in the list. Actually 6 of our men were killed in a terrorist ambush, and although one is of course overwhelmed with happiness to know JM is all right, one can’t help thinking of the six homes that will be desolate and sorrow stricken this morning. What a vile state the world is in wherever you look.

Went to the bank and after tea to Acton for the Mater, and called on Miss Crichton on the way home. She is just back from a holiday and looks very fit.
Stanley, Kidd, JD and LH all came after dinner and we sailed two matches.

Stanley, Pater and I sat until 1.30 discussing whether or not Buzz should return to school after the unjustified and unfair report he was given. The Pater is opposed to a return, while Stanley and I are in favour. Walked to Horn Lane again.

The Mater is much better than I expected after last night.

Friday, 11.9.36

Up late as usual and did not do very much in the afternoon. After tea went to the Library and then on to the Aunts’. After dinner went to Ealing to post JM’s WT and Buzz’s season ticket forms to the school. Have sat talking late with the Pater over business; it almost looks as if the Egyptian scheme might come to something at last.

Feel desperately washed out and limp, a nervous reaction I think to the horrible scare about JM. If that is so, God only knows how the Mater must be feeling; but she looked a little less weary tonight.

Hitler and co. are continuing their crazy vocal campaign against Jewry and Communism, while on our side the TUC have very sensibly refused to make trouble in Spain or to allow Communists to join the TU movement.

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