Councillor Peter Mason standing in a local street, looking to the left of the picture. The words Leader's Notes are superimposed on the image.

Creating and sustaining communities

All across the borough in the weeks just passed, and the ones ahead, communities have been and will continue to come together to mark incredibly important moments in our collective calendars.  

Last week I was able to join the community Iftar – the breaking of the daily fast during the month of Ramadan – at the West London Islamic Centre. Last weekend I joined friends in both marking Easter and enjoying the long bank holiday weekend.  

This coming Sunday I’ll join the Sikh community in Southall at the semi-annual Nagar Kirtan, the procession of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji through the streets in commemoration of the birth of the Khalsa Panth as part of the annual Vaisakhi celebrations.  

In just over a week’s time I’ll gather with extended family over a Seder meal to mark Passover, the Jewish festival commemorating the exodus. Just this week, a civic delegation gathered for the unveiling of His Majesty King Charles’ official portrait at the council’s headquarters. 

Whether through faith or tradition, observance, celebration or commemoration, each and every time people gather, we’re doing something special in both creating and sustaining communities. Networks of people who support and encourage each other to be better people, to have a sense of common bond and identity in the spaces and places that are our homes, our workplaces or bring us together.  

Shaping the borough

Engaging with that diversity, which makes our borough so special, has been at the heart of our local plan throughout the consultation process. Our new local plan is all about improving the lives of all our residents, across all our 7 towns, taking advantage of the unique characteristics that each town has, and harnessing that potential for the benefit of the people that call the borough their home. 

We want to create new spaces in our borough, from new neighbourhoods providing genuinely affordable homes, to bustling high streets filled with thriving businesses. These places have an essential part to play creating a sense of place in our borough, and in building a better future for the present and future generations of Ealing residents.  

The local plan isn’t just key for harnessing the economic potential of our borough, but the community and cultural potential as well. We are also one of the most diverse boroughs in the country, with over 170 different languages spoken, residents from every corner of the globe, representing a huge variety of faith groups and belief systems.  

These celebrations of faith, community, family, and reflection are key for all of us, and precisely that which we are looking to help cultivate through the local plan. Empowering our residents to live in communities filled with identity and pride, where they can engage in those public expressions and celebrations that are central to their sense of belonging and beliefs.  

Take part today

The consultation on the regulation-19 stage of the local plan comes to a close on 10 April and this is the final chance for you to make your views known about plan. You can find information on how to make a representation, before the consultation closes, on the council’s website.  

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