You can watch my video above from when I visited the Greenford depot hub where we are receiving and distributing all the PPE that we’ve been getting for our fantastic frontline care workers
You’ll know that there have been headlines nationally because of a shortage of PPE and our health workers and our care workers have been struggling. Right at the beginning of this crisis I put out an appeal to local businesses , individuals, and schools to help us with this vital protective equipment for our carers. The response was brilliant and we had lots of local businesses come forward and also our schools. There is a lovely note that we received from Villiers High School along with some science goggles here that I’ve just seen.
We’ve had such a fantastic response that we’ve been able to keep those vital supplies getting through to our key frontline care workers.
Also, our procurement team at Ealing Council has been working on behalf of all the west London boroughs to source PPE from right across the world. We were not getting enough from our central government supplies, so we’ve been looking to get some of our own and we’ve been so successful that we are now actually buying that PPE for the entire boroughs of London.
So, it is a real tribute to the Ealing staff who have been doing this and I want to pay tribute to everybody who is working so hard to get this vital PPE out to people. There’s no doubt that it is saving lives so I thank you on behalf of all the people of Ealing for what you are doing. And also to those fantastic frontline care workers and NHS workers, and also to everyone else for staying at home, because by doing so you’re protecting the NHS and you’re saving lives.