Brexit image by ChiralJon via FlickR - visit

Help for other EU residents during Brexit uncertainty

It’s clearly a time of great uncertainty. Nobody knows amongst the chaos that is currently in Parliament and in government what is going to happen with Brexit. It may still happen on the 29 March even though we now have the option of a delay. Who knows?

We could even crash out with a No Deal eventually so we’re particularly trying, in Ealing, to prepare for that eventuality, as much as we hope it doesn’t happen.

We have campaigned, and were one of the first councils to do so, for a People’s Vote and we’ve also, as a kind of act of defiance, put the European flag up above Ealing Town Hall; and that will continue to fly as long as we still remain in the EU. You can read what I wrote about the People’s Vote in an earlier Leader’s Notes.

In the referendum in 2016 Ealing voted to remain, with well over 60% of our residents wanting to stay in the European Union. Also, we have one of the highest number of EU resident citizens in our borough, of well over 50,000, and we want to give every bit of support that we can to these citizens and also to all of the businesses that they run.

Council leader Julian Bell
Council leader Julian Bell

We recognise the contribution that they make and we’ve put advice on our website so that they can look and find out the most up-to-date information about what’s happening. And if you look on you’ll be able to see the help that we’re offering to both EU citizens and also businesses.

Other information

The council is asking EU residents to consider applying for settled status.

Brexit image by ChiralJon via FlickR – visit

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