Nurse administering COVID-19 vaccine

40+? Get your vaccine. Get tested and answering your COVID-19 questions

Residents that are 40 years of age or above can now book their first jab.

You can now walk up to a centre in north west London and get your first vaccine.

There is no need to book an appointment at a mass vaccination centre for your first vaccine if you fall into the categories of people able to get their first dose. Residents are encouraged to book a test because walk-ups do not guarantee a vaccination slot as they are operated on a first come, first served basis.

Bank holiday closures

Vaccine centres will be closed this coming bank holiday Monday, 3 May and will therefore not be offering walk-up or first vaccination appointments.

Some testing centres will temporarily close

The following three sites will be closed from 12 noon on Tuesday, 4 May and will reopen on Saturday, 8 May. The closure is due to the sites acting as polling stations for the upcoming GLA elections.

  • Acton Centre
  • Greenford Library
  • Northolt Library

It will still be really easy for residents to get tested during this time though. Over 50 pharmacies stock rapid tests that you can pick up and do at home.

As well as a number of local sites for people not displaying symptoms remaining open during this period.

Residents are encouraged to get tested regularly for COVID-19 to make sure they keep themselves and their loved ones safe, as well as help to drive down coronavirus rates.

You can do a rapid test at home or at a rapid test site. Having your first test at a rapid test site will help show how the test is done to improve the test accuracy when you start doing tests at home.

Fertility and vaccinations

Do you have questions or concerns around COIVD-19 vaccines, pregnancy, fertility and breastfeeding?

If so, join a FREE webinar put on by the NHS with specialists who will be able to answer your questions on Thursday, 6 May from 6 – 7.30pm.

Join the webinar.

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