Apprenticeships week: Ending on a high

A group of enthusiastic Ealing Council apprentices teamed up to take part in a national apprenticeship challenge and collectively raised more than £1,800 for the charity Bloodwise – ending National Apprenticeships Week on a high.

Each year the council’s apprentices are set a challenge to ‘give back’ to the local community and this year they decided to raise awareness, as well as funds, for Bloodwise, a UK blood cancer charity.

Apprentice Adam Fawkes had a personal connection to the chosen charity. He said: “I was very pleased to be part of the team that put on the quiz night, raffle and cake and samosa sale for Bloodwise. I was even more proud as the charity was one that I suggested. My girlfriend’s father passed away from leukaemia and this charity is close to her heart.”

Raffle tickets, cupcakes and samosas were sold and a quiz night at the town hall organised, attended by more than 90 guests, including a number of Bloodwise volunteer fundraisers from the Ealing branch of the charity.

Around 34,000 people are diagnosed with a blood cancer in the UK every year. Bloodwise invest in research to beat blood cancer and offer support to make patients’ lives better.

Although the apprentices have thus far raised an impressive total of more than £1,800, their goal is to hit £2,000. If you would like to donate to help them reach their goal, you can do so by visiting:

The council is looking to take on another group of apprentices to work with its varied and diverse services as part of its apprenticeships scheme.

You must be aged between 16 and 23 – and you can apply from 1 April. There is plenty more information available on how to go about this on the council’s website.

Businesses can still sign up to recruit an apprentice, and the council’s apprenticeship team will help you to get set up and support you along the way, free of charge.

The quiz night was supported by local businesses Maggie’s (Ealing), VPS, MountJoy, NiBlock Ltd and T-Brown.

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