Childhood Vaccine - poster

Are your child’s vaccinations up-to-date?

A Parent’s Guide to Routine Childhood Vaccinations

This is a quick and easy guide to make sure your child’s vaccine schedule is up-to-date. If your child has missed any routine vaccinations it is not too late and you can book an appointment at your local GP surgery – it is important and will protect your child from serious diseases.

Ensure your child’s vaccinations are up to date as per The Routine Childhood Immunisation Schedule (2022)

Routine vaccinations are offered for free on the NHS to all babies and children in the UK. Health professionals are encouraging parents to prioritise getting their child vaccinated. With declining rates of immunisations, the risks of serious diseases such as measles and polio circulating again is a real concern.

Vaccines protect your children

The NHS recommends that parents:

  • Check your child’s red book or ask your GP practice to find out if your child is up-to-date with all their vaccinations a per the schedule attached.
  • This includes the MMR vaccination. If your child has missed any of their MMR vaccinations, it is never too late to catch up. Find out more on the MMR vaccine.
  • If your child is not up-to-date, please book an appointment at your GP practice to make sure they have maximum protection against serious diseases.
  • You can visit the NHS website for the routine vaccination schedule which details the vaccines that are offered at certain ages here: NHS Vaccine schedule
  • For more information about childhood vaccinations and the diseases they protect against, please visit the NHS North West London immunisation website or Oxford University’s The Vaccine Knowledge Project .

Polio Booster Campaign

The polio virus has recently been discovered in wastewater in London and there are some signs that the virus may be spreading. The declining rates of children receiving their routine vaccinations in a timely manner increases the risk further.  

Polio is highly infectious and the virus can attack the nervous system causing permanent paralysis of the muscles – it is rare but unvaccinated people are at greater risk.  

In order to try and reduce the risk of the virus spreading – the NHS in London are advising all London children aged 1-9 to get a booster dose of a polio containing vaccine (these vaccines are already included as part of the Routine Childhood Immunisation Schedule).

Who will receive the polio vaccine?

  • 1-4 years should receive the booster dose at their GP practice – please contact your GP practice to book an appointment if you have not yet done so.
  • If your child is between the ages 5-9, please visit the following link to book an appointment at a vaccination clinic near you. Locations in Ealing include: CP House (Ealing), Mattock Lane Pharmacy (West Ealing) or Gill Pharmacy (Southall).  Polio Vaccinations :: North West London ICS (

For more information on the London polio campaign, visit this public health website.

Flu Vaccine

This year flu is expected to be circulating at higher levels, partly due to the gap in vaccination programmes and partly due to children not having been able to build-up their immunity during lock down.

Who will receive the nasal flu vaccine?

Parents should contact their local GP practice, to find out more information and book an appointment, for the following:

  • Children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2022 (born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020).
  • Children aged 2 to 17 years with long-term health conditions
  • All primary school children (Reception to Year 6) and some secondary school children (years 7,8 and 9) will receive the nasal flu vaccine in school. Parents will receive a consent form when vaccination teams are ready to deliver this in your child’s school

If you have any queries or questions about Childhood Vaccinations please do not hesitate to speak with your Health Visitor or G.P Practice.

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