Sun rising over homes

Be a part of the conversation and shape Ealing

Residents and businesses are being invited to give Ealing Council their views on the area and on their local communities, so they can be part of a conversation that will help shape the future of the borough.

It is part of an ongoing process in preparation for next summer, when the council will be presenting a first draft of a Local Plan that will set out priorities for the borough for the years ahead.

The Local Plan will eventually be used to help decide how land is used and how places across the borough may change over the next 15 years. It will also guide decisions taken by the council and other authorities on homes, green spaces, tackling climate change, creating good jobs and addressing any concerns around health and inequalities in the borough.

Shaping Ealing written on a black background

What to expect

The council is planning a series of Shaping Ealing conversations, including formal and informal meetings and surveys, to collect your views. These will then play a critical part in building the draft Local Plan.

You can start getting involved right now

The first Shaping Ealing survey is available online now. In it, you will be asked about your priorities for the local area and for your community. The council is encouraging all residents, businesses and others to get involved.

This Shaping Ealing survey and the programme of other conversations and meetings will run from November until early next year.

Why your views are so important

Council leader Peter Mason said: “My administration is committed to being open, transparent and inclusive. As residents that live or work in the borough, your views are extremely important. This is the start of an ongoing conversation about what really matters to you and your local area. We don’t often get such a great opportunity to really shape the borough, so it’s really important to take this opportunity and get involved as much as you can.

‘A lasting impact’

“The answers that you provide will have a lasting impact on everyone in the borough, and your views can directly shape the future for you, your family and your local community.

“We want you to take your seat at the table and let us know how you feel about your community. It’s your borough, so we really need your voices. Whether you’re passionate about employment, transport, green spaces and climate action or homes, we want to listen, so get involved in the conversation to Shape Ealing.”

How do I get involved?

You can take the first Shaping Ealing survey now online. You can find out more about Shaping Ealing on the council’s website and the council’s YouTube channel.

You will also find a link to the survey on the council’s Instagram and Facebook pages, as well as a QR code on posters and advertising throughout the borough.

Other opportunities to get involved

For the duration of the Shaping Ealing conversation, there will be various opportunities for you to get involved to say what really matters to you. We will be keeping you up-to-date by publishing updates and surveys on this website and the council’s main website, plus its social media pages, in Around Ealing magazine and in our emails to residents and businesses. We will be covering a range of key topics including climate change, green spaces, health and development, among other priorities important to you.

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