Keith Freegard founder member of LARGER CAN

Spread the word about cleaner parks

A resident group in Hanwell is calling young people across the borough to help spread the message that a litter-free local area is better for everyone. The local organisation Litter Action Group Ealing Residents (LAGER CAN) is running a poster competition for young people in Ealing under 16 years old to help prevent dropped litter from spoiling parks and green spaces. 

There are two categories to design a poster for. One with a message to people who are litter droppers aiming to make them stop, and one encouraging more people to actively pick-up litter whilst out enjoying their local parks.

There are three age groups – up to 8 years old, 8 to 12 and 13 to 16. Judges will award a prize to the designs which are most likely to change people’s behaviour and have the highest visual impact and have a strong, memorable message.

LAGER CAN first formed as a facebook group and now has more than 133 members. It is named after one of the most common forms of litter its members encounter in their regular patch around Brent Lodge Park and Hanwell.

Founder member Keith Freegard says: “It’s so disappointing to see a minority of people mindlessly chucking their litter around and ruining what should be a pleasant experience for all park users. I used to get really angry about litter, up to the point where I was feeling worse when out walking in my local parks – not better.

“That’s when I realised I should turn all that anger into positive energy and try to make a real difference myself – so I created the Facebook group LAGER CAN.”  

“I encourage young people across the borough to get involved with our poster competition. It’s a great way to help raise awareness of the problems and solutions around litter.

“I think we have already seen a change in behaviour as people see others taking a stand against littering and notice the positive impact on the environment. I think that there has been a reduction in litter being dropped around here or at least a lot more is getting cleaned-up.”

The council’s parks service is working to support local people who want to get involved with helping their parks. Rangers have installed ‘2-minute litter pick’ boards in 30 of the most popular parks in Ealing, which hold litter pickers and bags. 

Self-led groups and individuals who want to do their bit can get support and equipment by emailing the parks service at

You could also earn great rewards while doing a litter-pick by downloading the free BetterPoints app. The points you earn through litter-picking can be exchanged for high street vouchers or donated to charity. There is also a dedicated £100,000 fund available for community-based projects to transform and revive local spaces around the borough. Visit for details.

  • To enter the LAGER CAN poster completion send your design to LAGER Can Poster Comp, 2 Manor Court Rd, Hanwell, W7 3EL. The closing date is 30 April 2019. Or email your design to
  • Make your design suitable for printing on A3 size. Submit up to TWO poster designs per person, one from each category. Either on paper or in pdf, jpg or Microsoft format. Clearly mark your design with the name of an adult contact, including their phone number or email address and your name and age group
  • LAGER CAN organise regular clean-ups, events and competitions – for further information and to get involved visit the group’s facebook page

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