Volunteering brings real business benefits

Research shows that volunteering helps staff develop leadership, decision-making and negotiation skills, provide team building opportunities and can boost morale and improve staff retention. The country’s most successful companies recognise the value of it too, with 70% of companies in the FTSE 100 now offering corporate volunteering programmes.

But you do not need to have the resources of a big brand to be able to offer your staff a team-building volunteering opportunity. The borough’s biggest annual sporting event, the five-time award winning Ealing Half Marathon, is offering local businesses the chance to put forward teams to help with this year’s event, so you do not need to have the resource to put together a volunteering programme yourself.

Volunteering at Ealing Half Marathon

Putting a team forward to help at the event can help:

  • build your social capital and improve your company’s image in the local community
  •  employees to bring back new skills and ideas to the workplace which can improve creativity
  •  encourage team-building, bringing together people from all levels across your organisation
  •  create a sense of achievement at a personal and team level
  •  build relationships in the local community.

If you would like your company to get involved, simply get your employees to register and add in the notes they are from your company and we’ll try to group you together. They can even pick a preferred position if they know what they want to do.

This year the event is expected to be bigger than ever and the organisers are looking for an incredible 700 volunteers to help the event run smoothly.

  •  team leaders
  •  traffic co-ordinators
  •  race marshals
  •  water station teams
  •  baggage and race village co-ordinators in Lammas Park.

Not only is it a great community event to take part in but each registered volunteer who completes their role gets a bespoke volunteer medal, breakfast roll, drink and a free race place for the following years event so it is a great incentive. There is also a prize draw after the event when one lucky volunteer will win a magnum of champagne.

To take part, simply pass this link to your employees so they can register and remember to get them to put your company name in the notes:  https://www.ealinghalfmarathon.com/volunteer/

For more details or if you have any questions you can contact us at info@ealinghalfmarathon.com

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