Proposed boundary changes map

Consultation on ward boundary changes

The Local Government Boundary Commission is looking for the views of Ealing residents on proposed ward boundary changes.

The commission’s draft recommendations propose a number of changes, including that Ealing should have 70 councillors rather than 69 and increasing the number of wards from 23 to 24.  The proposal is that 22 wards will have three councillors with two wards having two.

They are also proposing that all ward boundaries will change. The boundary changes will bring the town centres of Acton, Hanwell and Southall under single wards rather than the current division by the Uxbridge Road

The ward boundaries were last reviewed in 2000 and the increase in councillor numbers and wards reflects the significant changes in current and future population numbers and location. Currently some councillors have more electorate and some less, so this is an opportunity to ensure more even electorate figures.

The commission is also proposing that eight of the wards will be renamed and residents’ views are being sought on if those names are the right ones.

A 10-week public consultation on the recommendations is open and will end on 15 April 2019. The consultation is open to anyone who wants to have their say on new council wards, ward boundaries and ward names across Ealing.

Councillor Gareth Shaw, chair of Ealing Council’s boundaries panel said: “I would encourage all residents to take part in the consultation. It is very important residents have their say on the ward names, boundaries and whether or not they properly represent their local communities.”

Ealing Council will be making its own submission to the commission by the end of March.

The commission wants to hear as much evidence as possible to develop final recommendations for Ealing. You can make an online submission to the consultation portal, email or write to:

The Review Officer (Ealing)
Local Government Boundary Commission for England
1st Floor, Windsor House
50 Victoria Street
London SW1H 0TL


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