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Consulting on voluntary and community services funding

Ealing Council and the Ealing Borough Based Partnership, part of the North West London Integrated Care System, is currently consulting on proposals for voluntary and community services (VCS) funding.

Councillor Jasbir Anand, cabinet member for thriving communities said: “Our local VCS make a very important contribution to supporting residents and communities, and the council recognises the value of that contribution.

“Despite the current cost-of-living crisis and the impact that has on the council’s finances, funding to support our local VCS has been set aside for the next four years.”

The current VCS funding programme ends 30 September 2023.  The consultation is on funding that will be in place from 1 October 2023-2027.

“We want to ensure the best possible funding methods are available to deliver value for money,” added Councillor Anand.

“We need the views of individuals and organisations in Ealing’s VCS and others to inform what the funding programme needs to look like to deliver the services our residents need.”

The consultation on the proposals for VCS funding 2023-27 will run from 4 July to 26 September 2022. There will also be a consultation event on 19 July to which voluntary organisations will be invited to discuss the proposals.

To take part in the online survey or to find out more about the event on 19 July, visit the council’s website.

No organisation currently in receipt of a grant is having their funding withdrawn or cut as existing grants end on 30 September 2023.

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