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COP26 – a call to action

COP26 is over and whilst international leaders made some progress towards addressing climate crisis, it is clear we all need to do much more to ensure that disaster is avoided.

The international climate conference aimed to reach an agreement to minimise rising temperatures, achieve net zero carbon emissions, and protect communities and natural habitats in the future. You can find out more details with our COP26 explainer article here.

Ealing Council is calling on local people to take steps in their daily lives to help tackle the climate crisis. It is part of an ambitious strategy to achieve net zero carbon emissions and a greener, more environmentally friendly future for the borough. It focuses on five main areas; energy, food, green infrastructure, transport and waste.


Household heating is one of the main contributors of carbon emissions in the UK. The council is securing genuinely affordable homes that reduce running costs, carbon emissions and fuel poverty.  It is also retrofitting homes across the borough to improve the energy performance of all existing housing.

You can help by improving your home’s energy efficiency, and there is a number of support options available to Ealing residents, including Healthy Homes Ealing, and the Green Homes Grant (for those eligible). Find out more about how you fight climate crisis in your home.

Food systems 

How we source, grow and cook food has a wide-ranging impact on climate. The council is working with local food growing communities, businesses to create more opportunities to support local produce, reduce food miles and create awareness.

There are a range of ways you can support more sustainable food systems, from shopping locally instead of ordering a single takeaway off an app, to joining an allotment and growing your own produce. Find out more here.

Green infrastructure

Protecting and enhancing our nature and green spaces is vital in the fight against climate crisis and the council is expanding meadows, hedgerows and planting thousands of trees across the borough as part of its biodiversity action plan.

Local people are encouraged to get involved with community organisations and local groups playing a role in shaping their green spaces in the future and you can find out more via the Do Something Good website


Almost a third of borough’s emissions come from the way we get from A to B and it is vital that we cut the amount of short car journeys.

That is why the council is supporting local people to choose active travel options such as cycling walking and scooting, over car journeys- including a huge expansion of cycling and electric vehicle provision in borough.

Find out more about how you can get more involved with active travel here.


Only by significantly increasing the amount of household waste we recycle and cutting what we send to landfill can we reduce the level of harmful emissions needed to make a real difference.

The council is ensuring it is as easy and simple for residents to recycle their household waste via their blue bins and green caddies. Residents can also make a huge difference by following simple steps that will help us all drive up the borough’s recycling rates.

‘Our work is only just beginning’

Councillor Deirdre Costigan, Ealing Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for climate action said: “COP26 is finished but when it comes to fighting climate crisis, our work is only just beginning.

“Although limited, some of the agreements and commitments achieved on a global level are encouraging. However to translate these global agreememts into action, we need to see new powers and funding for councils like Ealing so that we can make a real difference locally.”

“From retrofititng council homes and expanding our cycle network, to planting 37,000 trees and rolling out new provision for electric vehicles, we are completely committed to securing the positive change to make the difference here in our borough.

“It is up to all of us to play a part and I encourage residents to think about the steps they can take to make a difference. I know together we can achieve the ambitious aim of securing a carbon neutral borough by 2030 and fighting climate crisis at a local level.

  • The local climate action hub, ActForEaling has a range advice available on how to help fight the climate crisis covering everything from cooking and buying food, to insulating your home.

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