
Coronavirus: Help flatten the curve and slow it down

Everyone is being asked to play their part in ‘flattening the curve’ of the spread of coronavirus. By slowing the infection rate of COVID-19, we can avoid the ‘peak’ of infection from becoming too huge and overwhelming our emergency services. It could save lives.

Slowing down coronavirus can help protect those who may be most vulnerable in our community.

Here is how you can help the country achieve this – and also protect yourself at the same time:

  • Help keep yourself and others safe by washing hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser
  • If you have a new, continuous cough or a high temperature (37.8 degrees and above) you must stay indoors for seven days if you live alone. If you live with others and one of you develops symptoms, the whole household must stay indoors for 14 days. These restrictions apply from the start of the symptoms. Please follow the guidance on self-isolation and do not contact your GP
  • You can get the advice and information you need on the NHS 111 website – you do not need to call the NHS 111 phone line unless you cannot access the internet or unless your symptoms worsen or you are no better after seven days
  • If you can help by delivering shopping or other items for someone who is self-isolating, leave them on their doorstep, do not go into their home
  • If you are self-isolating, you must not put any personal waste into outside bins for 72 hours as part of measures to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. You must place used cleaning materials in a plastic rubbish bag and tie it, before placing it in a second tied bin bag, and disposing of normally after 72 hours
  • Be considerate in the way you shop and do not buy more than you need so that others are not left without. Our local food banks are well supported by the community but may need more help, so please continue to donate at supermarkets
  • Residents who are interested in providing support to the local community can register for the British Red Cross Community Reserve scheme. No specialist skills are required however volunteers must be over 18. If required, volunteers would only be asked to respond in their local communities
  • If you are concerned about the welfare of an elderly or vulnerable person you can contact the council on 020 88825 7170. This line is staffed during office hours and will not provide health advice
  • Please check online updates from trusted sources including the council and central government to make sure you have the latest information
  • It is a sad truth that in difficult times fraudsters will take advantage. Do not give personal information to, or open the door to, people who you do not know.

Help is available

If you are experiencing hardship, you can visit the council’s website for:

  • Local Welfare Assistance – if you are struggling to buy food you can get food vouchers and money for essential household items.
  • Discretionary Housing Payments – may be available to top-up housing-related benefit for a limited time to cover housing costs such as rent.
  • Council tax – if you are experiencing exceptional hardship you may be able to claim a discretionary reduction in council tax.

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