Housing beneft

Could you ‘benefit’ from some support?

It might surprise you to know you do not have to be out of work to receive benefit. Many thousands of people in the borough who work are receiving it, including housing benefit and council tax support.

In fact, the latest government figures (via gov.uk) show a quarter of all the people who could claim benefit are not claiming.

The average amount of housing benefit such people miss out on each year is said to be up to £3,000 each. To check if you can claim go to www.ealing.gov.uk/housingbenefit and find out if you are one of those people missing out.


It is expected that, from 28 March, a national system called Universal Credit will have replaced housing benefit for most people living in Ealing. However, pensioners and families with more than two children would still need to claim housing benefit through Ealing Council.

Council tax support applications are not due to change. If you need help with council tax, you need to apply with Ealing Council.


Having trouble paying your rent and council tax, or have other debts? Contact the council’s local welfare assistance team for a free and confidential, one-to-one appointment to help you with things like budgeting and other financial advice. To find out more, email localwelfareassistance@ealing.gov.uk


  • Make a claim by applying online at www.ealing.gov.uk/housingbenefit
  • If you do not have access to internet, visit local libraries or the customer service centre at Perceval House 14-16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 2HL where free internet access is provided
  • If you need assistance to make a new online claim go to your local Jobcentre or Perceval House customer service centre.

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