Fixing loose door handle

Tony’s DIY tips #5: Fixing door handles

If you are in doubt about your ability to carry out a home maintenance project it is always best to consult a professional. However, learning how to fix a few common maintenance problems can save you time and money.

In our latest short video, our DIY expert Tony explains what to do if a door handle in your home has become loose. It is a relatively easy problem to fix, it does not require many tools, and, unlike fixing sinks and taps, there is very little risk of flooding!

To fix your loose door handle all you will need is a Phillips screwdriver (that is a cross-headed screwdriver) and a flat-headed screwdriver.

Your door handle is likely to have a cover plate.  If it has, simply use your flat-headed screwdriver to gently prise off the plate, being careful not to damage the surrounding area.
You will now be able to see the screws beneath the cover plate. In all likelihood these will be loose, which is why your door handle is loose.

All you need to do is use your Phillips (cross-headed) screwdriver to tighten up the screws that are normally hidden beneath the cover plate. There may be three of four of them that need tightening. As with all screws make sure they are firmly tightened but do not over tighten them.

Make sure the handle is nice and tight before replacing the cover plate. There will probably be a grommet on the cover plate and this should normally be aligned at the bottom. Then simply push the cover plate back into place.

The handle should now be nice and secure and should no longer be falling off in your hands.

Like we have already mentioned, if you are in doubt about your ability to carry out a home maintenance project it is always best to consult a professional.

Tony’s other tips

Week 1: Fixing a loose toilet seat.

Week 2: Turning off the water supply.

Week 3: Unblocking a sink.

Week 4: Smoke alarms.

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