Healthy Homes Ealing with London Fire Brigade

Don’t fear as winter is here

Residents who may be concerned about energy bills, are encouraged to seek support and advice from Healthy Homes Ealing (HHE).

The Ealing Council programme previously known as ‘COSIE’, was established to target vulnerable residents who are fuel poor and to provide advice and support to remove them from fuel poverty.

Approximately 11.4% of Ealing households are fuel poor compared to 10.1% in London and 11% countrywide.

There are a number of ways residents can make sure they’re keeping warm in winter without leaving the heating on all day. Here are some easy to follow tips:

  • Close curtains at dusk and keep them behind radiators to stop heat escaping through windows
  • Switch lights off when you leave a room
  • Move furniture away from radiators and don’t hang clothes on them – by covering radiators you stop heat from reaching the room
  • Avoid filling the kettle more than you need
  • Switch electrical equipment off when not in use and don’t leave it in ‘standby’, as electricity is still being used even though you may not be using the equipment.

Council leader Julian Bell said: “Staying warm in the winter months is a struggle for residents particularly those who are fuel poor. Services such as ‘Healthy Homes Ealing’ provide vital information for residents to look after themselves in the winter months, as well as reduce their energy bills.”

To spread the message, HHE has been working with other programmes and organisations to reach the most fuel poor residents.

Ealing London Fire Brigade (LFB) hold tea parties for residents over 60 years of age who live alone and HHE were invited along to the most recent gathering on Wednesday, 13 December 2017.

These residents are given the chance to meet new people, make friends, be more mobile and gather information on what services/benefits are available.

This partnership is vital to securing both HHE and LFB’s goals of making the most vulnerable safer in their own homes and fuel poor residents.

Ben Moore, Ealing LFB borough commander, said: “The main aim is to identify the most vulnerable in the community ensuring they are safe whilst living independently and that they get the best service for their needs.”

“The benefits in working with other partnerships include sharing information as we share the same client groups, aims, objectives and goals.”

More information

Call Healthy Homes Ealing on 0800 083 2265 (free to all users) Monday-Friday, 9am-5.30pm, or use the online referral form at to get free energy advice.

Call London Fire Brigade for a free home fire safety check on 0800 028 4428.


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