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Ealing licensing policy consultation: have your say

Ealing Council is consulting on updating three of its licensing and regulatory policies: the gambling policy, the licensing policy, and the sex establishments policy.

These policies have been updated to ensure they meet licensing objectives of crime and disorder prevention, promoting public safety and keeping children from harm, as well as facilitating Ealing’s night time economy, which plays a key role in the economic and cultural development of the borough.

The council is inviting any interested parties to have their say on the updated gambling, licensing and sex establishments policies. Please read the updated policies at www.ealing.gov.uk/glse-updatedpolicies before completing the survey.

You can submit your views until Tuesday, 10 December 2019.

Councillor Joanna Camadoo-Rothwell cabinet member for community safety and inclusion, said: “Our licensing and regulatory policies are an important tool for making Ealing a safe and welcoming place for both residents and visitors to enjoy. Our updated policies will help us realise our ambitions for a vibrant and prosperous night time economy.

“Within these updated policies, we are looking to pursue a new licensing policy to reduce the number of sexual entertainment venues in Ealing to zero, as these establishments don’t support Ealing Council’s vision for the borough. We want to ensure that local people can enjoy a thriving night time economy without unscrupulous business practices and antisocial behaviour causing damage to our neighbourhoods.

“I would encourage all residents to read the updated policies and let us know what they think by completing the online survey.”

What happens next?

Following the consultation, feedback will be included in a report to Ealing’s Licensing Committee and the council’s cabinet for final approval.

If you require further information visit the consultation page www.ealing.gov.uk/glse

If you require assistance to participate and have your say please contact Ealing’s licensing team at Licensing@ealing.gov.uk

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