Hoda Ali: My FGM story

Hoda Ali is a survivor of female genital mutilation (FGM) who is fighting to bring an end to the procedure. She was ‘cut’ when she was seven years old in Somalia. Since then she has had numerous health issues and she has decided to tell her story to help educate people about FGM and the consequences.

Hoda currently leads a project at Perivale Primary School, which has been leading the way locally, with children, parents and staff all taking part in safeguarding lessons put on by Ealing Council. Their importance has been recognised by the John Lyons charity, which has now provided funding to help the council put on the sessions in another six schools across the borough.

It is the only project of its kind in the UK and was recently showcased at parliament.


Get help or report it
  • FGM is a criminal offence. Report any concerns to Ealing Children’s Integrated Response Service (ECIRS) on 020 8825 8000, option 2
  • If there is concern that the child is in immediate danger, call the police on 999
  • If you have undergone FGM you can join a future support group, please contact the Dahlia Project to arrange a referral on 020 7281 7694 or email Alev Erce at alev@manorgardenscentre.org

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