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Free mobile data

If you are over 18 and from a low income household you can get free mobile data at one of the councils community hubs.

The council’s four community hubs are now registered data banks and can give away free data sims cards to those who qualify.

The sims, provided by the Good Things Foundation, can be given out to help people who do not have online access or are struggling to pay for mobile data.

The three data sims on offer are:

  • O2 – Free mobile data, calls and texts for six months
  • Vodafone – Free mobile data, calls and texts for six months
  • 3 Mobile Data – 24GB of data

Councillor Steve Donnelly, cabinet member for inclusive economy said: “This is a valuable free offer for individuals and households who find themselves struggling to pay for data and consequently are unable to things many of us now take for granted, including school work, working from home, ordering home grocery deliveries.”

The council receive a limited number of sims each month and they are issued on a first come, first served basis from the community hubs.

To qualify for the scheme you must be:

  • 18+ Years old
  • from a low-income household  

And at least one of the following statements must apply to you:  

  • You have no access or insufficient access to the internet at home.
  • You have no access or insufficient access to the internet when away from home.
  • You cannot afford your existing monthly contract or top up.

If you are struggling and need help, please reach out and check if you’re receiving everything you are entitled to. Information on advice and support available can be found on the council’s website.

Free sim data cards will also be available at the Ealing Project on Friday, 23 June, 11am-3pm, where council services and the voluntary sector will be on hand to help with advice and support to ensure you are getting everything you are entitled to. Watch this space for more details.

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