Good Jobs for Ealing

The Good Jobs for Ealing plan, to help the borough recover from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, was agreed by Ealing Council cabinet members yesterday (Wednesday, 22 September).

The pandemic is expected to have long-term devastating effects on our local economy, which has been one of the hardest hit boroughs in London. And the plan’s aim is to help the council and its partners to focus their efforts on economically supporting businesses and residents in the borough.

Our borough has one of the highest furlough rates in the country, with eight of its 23 wards ranked in the 20% most deprived wards in England and a third of its workforce earning less than the London Living Wage.

Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, the council’s cabinet member for decent living incomes, said: “We know those living in west London have been hit the hardest because of the impact on Heathrow Airport and the jobs that rely on it.

“The government had decided to end furlough this month; to cut Universal Credit by £20 per week; and both employees and employers will see an increase in National Insurance contributions next year. This is, therefore, the time to launch our borough’s plan to deliver Good Jobs for our residents, at the time they need support the most.

“Our recovery plan – Good Jobs for Ealing – focuses on supporting our hardest hit residents; the communities that have been left behind; the businesses that call Ealing their home and encourage new and green businesses into the borough. Our plan sets out what we will do now, and for the coming 12 months, to ensure the jobs that people have to go back to are good jobs in a more inclusive economy.”

A key component of this initiative is to help the most vulnerable residents know how and where to find work, the means to retrain and develop their skills to work in industries that offer greater security.

In these unprecedented times local businesses are facing many challenges and business owners are worried about their future, their employees and the wider community.

Council leader Peter Mason added: “Our local businesses have been devastated by the impact of COVID-19 and Brexit and they will need ongoing support and advice to survive.

“But we also want to work with them to generate good jobs for local people, which includes ending the use of zero-hour contracts, commit to the London Living Wage and securing good terms and conditions for workers.”

You can keep up to date with the Good Jobs initiative on the council’s website, here on and follow activity on the council’s social media platforms using #GoodJobs4Ealing.

More information about Ealing’s Plan for Good Jobs can be found in a video.

You can read Ealing’s Plan for Good Jobs online or download a copy.

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