Everyone is encouraged to think about the ways they can have a greener Christmas this year.
Just like in previous years, residents are reminded that there will be some changes to rubbish and recycling collections over the festive period.
People across the country waste more food this month than at any other time of the year.
This is why it’s important that everyone does their bit to have a green Christmas this year. It is not difficult – just consider tips below:
- Recycle wrapping paper but remove ribbons, bows etc first. Use the ‘scrunch test’ – if it stays scrunched, please recycle it
- Recycle foil and cans – recycling just six foil mince pie cases can save enough energy to power a TV long enough to watch an hour of Christmas programmes
- Flatten cardboard boxes before recycling to save room in your bag or wheelie bin. You can also drop items to your local recycling centre to save space over Christmas
- Use rechargeable batteries. Recycle your old batteries by putting them in a bag on top of your blue wheelie bin for recycling collections – or take them to a local supermarket that has a battery recycling bin
- Buy drinks, like lemonade or beer, in large containers, rather than many small ones and avoid using disposable plates and cups if you are a planning a party.
- Do not recycle glittery cards or paper – even better, do not buy them because they cannot be recycled
- In fact, around 300,000 tonnes of cards are sent in the UK at Christmas. That is enough to cover a return journey from Ealing to Lapland 100 times. Consider e-cards instead.
- Around 500 tonnes of old Christmas tree lights are discarded each year. If they work, you can donate them to charity; if they are beyond repair you should recycle them in the same way as electrical appliances
- Do not throw away unwanted presents. Give them to your local charity shop because there is sure to be someone who will like them
Refuse and recycling collections will change from Christmas Day (25 December 2020) and return to normal service Monday, 18 January 2021. Rubbish and recycling should be left at the front boundary of the property, not on the pavement, by 7am on the collection day.
You can check your revised date for collections below:

The council is also giving people a helping hand to recycle their Christmas tree after the festive period finishes. You can get rid of your Christmas tree in a quick, easy and environmentally friendly way by leaving it out as part of your kerbside rubbish and recycling collections, or by dropping it off at a local park or reuse and recycle centre.
Councillor Jasbir Anand, cabinet member for environment and climate emergency said: “I want to thank our residents for their efforts to recycle over the past year. We are proud to be one of the best performing boroughs in London when it comes to recycling household waste and we hope to continue this proud record into next year and beyond.
“Christmas will be very different for many people this year as we continue to make sacrifices to keep family and friends safe, and protect the NHS is the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
“But nationally, the festive season is often a time when we waste the most when it comes to food and packaging. I encourage everyone to think about what they can do to help the environment and by following a few simple tips, we can all have a greener Christmas this year.
“Please also remember that as usual, bin collections will change over Christmas, so please check your amended schedule and ensure your rubbish and recycling is collected.”
Full information available is available via the council’s website.
Everyone can do their bit to have a green Christmas this year and there are plenty of tips you can follow to help you along the way.