girl puts on face covering to keep Ealing safe

Help us keep Ealing safe

With coronavirus cases on the rise in Ealing, residents and business owners are reminded to continue to help keep Ealing safe to reduce the spread of infection and avoid a local lockdown.

If you are planning on visiting our town centres, please remember that you must continue to keep your distance from others outside your household and avoid gathering in big groups, including when queueing outside businesses such as shops, restaurants and take-aways.   It is important to wear a face covering when you are unable to maintain a 2 metre distance from others, including when standing in queues.

When wearing a face covering be sure to follow the government guidance on wearing and removing it safely. If you’re using a single-use mask, dispose of it properly to further reduce the spread.

The law requires you to wear a face covering when inside shops, on public transport and other public places. This means covering your nose and mouth the entire time, unless you are exempt or are consuming food.  

Avoid touching your face, even when wearing a face covering and continue to use hand gel when out and about and when you are not able to wash your hands for 20 seconds.  Remember to wash your hands frequently when you can.

Feeling unwell?

  • Stay at home if you have symptoms of coronavirus -such as a fever, new continuous cough, or loss or change in taste or smell
  • Your whole household needs to stay at home if anyone has symptoms
  • Get a test as soon as you get these symptoms
  • Go to the NHS coronavirus website or call 119
  • If you test positive you and your household will need to remain at home – 10 days for you and 14 days for your household

It is really important that we all take these measures to protect our families, friends and loved ones in the community to keep Ealing safe.

Keep Ealing safe also means

  • Complying with the expectations of NHS test and trace by providing your contact details when visiting restaurants, cafés, hair salons and other establishments  
  • Observing Government quarantine measures when travelling
  • Continuing to protect and support neighbours, family and friends and those who are highly vulnerable to the virus
  • Avoiding public transport and traveling by foot or cycling where possible
  • Continuing to support local businesses
  • Being kind to others as we go through this together

Report it

If you feel that a business is not acting in a safe or responsible way to keep Ealing safe please email All reports are in confidence and as much information should be included as possible to enable an investigation to be considered.

If you are concerned about a gathering of people in a private house or public open space that might be a breach of coronavirus measures you can report it to the Police using their online form.  Reports to the Police should only be made if you think there is a serious breach of the rules like a large gathering of people obviously from lots of different households.

Business support

If you run a business in Ealing the council offers a free bespoke business advisory service funded by the Reopening High Street Safely fund.  Our officers can provide you with advice on how to ensure your business meets COVID-19 secure requirements and identify what you can do to keep Ealing safe.

To request this service, please email your contact and business information alongside with the details of the advice you require to  Information and guidance is also available on the council’s Help for businesses coronavirus web pages.

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