Hand putting a voting slip into a ballot box. You need to register for the Hobbayne by-election

Hobbayne by-election: Last chance to register to vote

Residents not currently registered have until Tuesday, 31 August to sign up to vote in the Hobbayne ward by-election, which will take place on Thursday, 16 September.

Any residents who were registered to vote for the GLA elections in May, and still live at the same address, will be automatically registered. 

The online registration system is a quick and secure way to register and is available on the government’s website.

Residents who do not have access to the internet can request a paper form. You should contact the council’s electoral services team for advice by calling 020 8825 7777 between 8.30am–5pm (Monday – Friday) or via email at elections@ealing.gov.uk

Applications to vote in the Hobbayne by-election by post need to be completed and returned before 5pm on Wednesday, 1 September. Applications to vote by proxy need to be completed and returned by 5pm on Wednesday, 8 September.

Registered voters should have by now received a polling card in the post containing information on where to go to vote, or whether arrangements are in place for a postal vote.

Where do I vote?

Details of your polling station, including a map, will be on your polling card.

Alternatively, you can use the council’s polling station finder to find your polling station.

You can find the notice of election on the council’s website.

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