Earlier this year, local young people with additional and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) were asked to design posters that demonstrated what it looks and feels like to ‘Include Me’ from their perspective.
Many young people responded, and the results are currently on display in an art exhibition at the Ealing Project in Ealing Broadway.
Councillor Kamaljit Nagpal, Ealing Council’s cabinet member for a fairer start said: “The artwork is inspirational, moving, and challenging. It pushes all of us to do better and include those with SEND in every aspect of our lives – school, work, home, leisure and more.
“Our vision is that every child, young person, and their family feels welcome, happy, safe in their community and is included in choices about their lives.”
What does Include Me look or feel like?
Below is just some of the artwork produced by young people from Clifton Primary School, Mount Carmel RC School, Dormers Wells Junior School and Greenwood Primary School.
The artwork is on display until 24 November at the Ealing Project.