Healthy Homes Ealing - visit from a green doctor

Is your home too cold? Need some help?

If the answer is ‘yes’, are you finding it hard to pay your energy bills? Does the cold affect your health?

Well, Ealing Council can offer you some free help – if any of the following apply to you: You are over 65; or have children under five years old. You are on a low income; or you have a long-term health condition or disability.

The council’s friendly ‘green doctors’ can make your home warmer, help you save money on your energy bills and improve your health. They could:
• Explain how to make your home energy efficient
• Install energy saving devices
• Offer impartial advice on switching fuel companies to save money
• Give you income support and debt advice
• Put you in touch with various other, helpful services.

We visited Mary Pio recently, who told us she would give the green doctors a score of 10 out of 10. They are offered as part of the council’s Healthy Homes Ealing service, which provides free advice on staying warm in the cold of winter and on cutting fuel bills.

Mary found out about the council-run service through the warden at her sheltered housing complex in Ealing. The service has a free hotline all year round.

The green doctors helped with her energy and water tariffs, fitted a reflector to a radiator and gave her long-lasting and cheaper-to-run LED bulbs to light three key parts of her home. She also received a fan to keep her cool in the summer and some thermal gloves, hat and socks for the colder months. They also referred Mary to the Neighbourly Care befriending service.

She said at the time: “All of their advice was very useful and will save me some money, and I’m so thankful for the things they’ve given me. I’m really grateful for the referral to the other services, too.”

To book your free home visit, or for more information, get in touch by calling 0800 083 2265 or using the self-referral form at

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