LIve West Ealing, a scheme to transform roads and streets in the local area is calling on residents to have their say on how to make the best of the ambitious project.
Live West Ealing is working with TfL and many local organisations to make a range of street level improvements in the local area creating an easier, safer and more pleasant place for residents to walk, cycle or use public transport.
A survey has been launched and Ealing Council wants to hear from residents who have ideas and feedback, so it can shape the project into something that really benefits local people.
The survey can be completed online at

Ealing Council is working with Transport for London and local organisations to deliver Live West Ealing, which was launched in 2017. A number of improvements have been proposed over the next few years.
By encouraging greener and more sustainable methods of transport, the council aims to improve air quality in the borough and combat climate change.
Councillor Julian Bell, Leader of Ealing Council said: “Encouraging more people to walk, cycle and take public transport is vital as we look to improve air quality in the borough and urgently address the climate emergency.
“That’s why we are working alongside Transport for London and local organisations to deliver this ambitious programme of improvements to roads and highways in this area. We are introducing measures to help make streets in this local area more attractive, healthier and safer by encouraging walking, cycling and public transport.
“We can only achieve success by working with residents and we are looking for the views and opinions of local people to help us shape the project and deliver the best possible results. I encourage everyone to get involved and let us know what you think.”
The survey will be open online until 17 November 2019.
For more information and to keep up to date:
Live West Ealing has also partnered with Hello Lamp Post, which provides an innovative way for people to share their feedback, opinions and ideas on public streets and public spaces.
From the end of September local people will be able to text their feedback on the local area to a phone number displayed a number of lampposts across West Ealing. It’s simple. For further information go online.