Census 2021

National census 2021 – be part of history

This year will see a once-in-a-decade event, as the national census comes to your door. The questions it will ask you are simple, but they will help to inform decisions on the services our local area – and the country – needs.

The census takes place every 10 years. The last was carried out in 2011, so the next census is due to happen on 21 March 2021. 

It is a unique headcount of everyone in England and Wales on a single day and has taken place since 1801. On the day it takes place it gives a snapshot of all the people and households living here.

The full detailed census remains closed to the public and is released 100 years after the date it was completed. For example, you can look back on the census from 1921 for the first time this year and find out who was living in your house 100 years ago, or look back 200 years to 1821.

Taking part

By taking part in the 2021 census, your information will touch the life of every single person by helping to inform decisions about the services and funding Ealing needs, like education, healthcare, housing and transport.

Without the information you share, it would be more difficult to plan and fund public services.

Your details are protected by law and the information published is anonymous. The census is run by the Office for National Statistics, which is totally independent from the government. This ensures that no government or council officers can see or receive the information you provide.

Census 2021

Census day is Sunday, 21 March 2021. Every household will receive an access code in the post that will allow them to fill in the census questionnaire online.

For anyone who may struggle to fill in the questionnaire, there will be a range of support available including a contact centre that can provide help over the phone and guidance in a range of languages and accessible formats. Paper and large print questionnaires will also be available.

Remember, by filling in your census questionnaire, you will be helping to make sure you, your family, your friends and neighbours – and your community – get the services needed for the next 10 years and beyond. That is why it is so important to take part.

For more information, visit www.census.gov.uk

You can view past census details in the National Archives and can look at the outcomes of the 2011 census and how it has influenced Ealing in the last 10 years on the council’s website.

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