Councillor Yvonne Johnson was formally elected as the new mayor of Ealing at the annual meeting of the full council last night, Tuesday 21 May.
As mayor, Councillor Johnson will undertake all civic ceremonial duties within the borough. This includes attendance at the key Remembrance Day service and greeting any members of the royal family visiting the borough. She will also chair meetings of the full council. The new mayor will be assisted in her duties by Councillor Anthony Kelly who was appointed deputy mayor.
Helping others
As part of her new role Councillor Johnson will also hold events throughout the year to raise money to support her chosen local charities, Acton Homeless Concern where she is a founder member, and CAPE, which provides mental health services for residents.
Councillor Johnson was first elected as a councillor in South Acton in 1986 and has continued to serve residents there for the past 38 years. She has twice been deputy leader of the council and held most roles within the cabinet over the years.
She has lived in the borough for more than 45 years and worked as a secondary school history teacher for nearly 40 years. She is an avid reader, theatre-goer and has a passion for music. The new mayor also enjoys spending time visiting the borough’s parks and open spaces.
Councillor Johnson will be supported by her husband Brian during her mayoral year, and also by her sister Rosemary.
Councillor Johnson said: “I am very excited and honoured to be Mayor of Ealing for the coming year, it’s a very different role to anything I’ve done before. I’m looking forward to meeting people and groups that I have not yet had the chance to meet and go to parts of the borough I don’t often visit. I’m very proud of our borough and what we have achieved so far, it’s an honour to represent it.”
She takes over the mayoralty from Councillor Hitesh Tailor.
Who are the cabinet members?

- Councillor Peter Mason: Leader
- Councillor Deirdre Costigan: Deputy leader and climate action
- Councillor Steve Donnelly: Inclusive economy
- Councillor Kamaljit Nagpal: Decent living incomes
- Councillor Louise Brett: Safe and genuinely affordable homes
- Councillor Josh Blacker: A fairer start
- Councillor Jasbir Anand: Tackling crime and antisocial behaviour
- Councillor Blerina Hashani: Thriving communities
- Councillor Polly Knewstub: Healthy equal lives
- Councillor Shital Manro: Good growth and new homes