Four free, state-of-the art outdoor gyms are now up and running in Southall, giving local people further opportunities to improve their fitness and stay healthy and active.
The gyms, located at Spikes Bridge, Manor House, Southall Park and Southall Recreation Ground, boast new, cutting-edge equipment specifically designed for use by people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.
The project, known as The Great Outdoor Gym (TGOG), has been delivered by Ealing Council alongside Sport England and Let’s Go Southall, a local initiative uniting community groups, businesses, faith groups, charities and volunteers, to offer wide-ranging support for Southall residents who want to be more physically active.
The equipment features inclusive weights and accessible equipment designed to be used by the whole community. Some of the gyms also include interactive screens to help people get a tailored workout, exactly suited to their needs.
Harnessing human power
TGOG has been designed with sustainability and fighting the climate crisis in mind, and construction has been offset by tree planting in the local area. The gyms also harness human power to generate gym cardio equipment, recycling some of the energy used as people work out.

A huge timetable of regular classes, activities and events is now up-and-running, meaning the whole community can access an array of exercise options to choose from every week.
Councillor Jasbir Anand, cabinet member for thriving communities said: “I am delighted to see these new outdoor gym facilities ready to support local people in Southall stay active and healthy. The equipment makes the most of cutting-edge technology and vitally, is designed for use for the whole community.
Staying healthy and active
“The benefits of introducing a bit more activity into your weekly routine can be huge, not only for fitness but general health, physical, and mental wellbeing – and this equipment is going to support a lot of people in Southall do just that.
“The TGOG is part of our ongoing work with Let’s Go Southall, which is helping us deliver a community led approach to encourage the residents of Southall to stay healthy and active, and use their parks and green spaces in ways that work for them.
“I know just how strong the sense of community is here in Southall, and that is why we are prioritising and supporting local people to make lasting changes to their lifestyles through a support network and meaningful, personal connections.
“The programme is not about simply providing new sports facilities or services. It is designed to empower Southall residents by providing skills, knowledge and resources – to make a lasting change, based on their priorities and needs.”
Let’s Go Southall provide a range of activity including a weekly park run, find out more.