Live West Ealing has won a prestigious award at the Healthy Streets Awards 2019. The ambitious initiative, which is transforming roads and streets in the local area to make them greener, safer and healthier, scooped the Healthy Streets Proposal of the Year Award at a ceremony this month.
The gong recognised Live West Ealing’s achievements around street design, access, active travel choices, safety, improved air quality and livability.

The council is working with Transport for London and local organisations to deliver Live West Ealing, which was launched in 2017. A number of improvements have been proposed over the next few years aimed at encouraging greener and more sustainable methods of transport, improving air quality and combating climate change.
Councillor Julian Bell, Leader of Ealing Council, said: “I’m delighted that Live West Ealing has been recognised at the Healthy Streets Awards – it really underlines the progress we our making in creating healthier, safer and greener neighbourhoods in this area.
“Encouraging more people to walk, cycle and take public transport is an ongoing commitment for the council as we look to improve air quality in the borough and urgently address the climate emergency.”
Live West Ealing is also calling on local people to get involved with shaping the future of the initiative. A survey has been launched and the council wants to hear from residents who have ideas and feedback, so it can shape the project into something that really benefits local people. The survey can be completed online.
The Healthy Streets Awards recognise and reward excellence in the planning and delivery of improvements in towns and cities across the country.