5 women standing in front of a green sign reading Ealing Smokefree Service

Help for more to quit smoking

Following the success of a local stop smoking programme targeting those with mental health problems and during pregnancy, there is more help available for people to quit smoking.

Ealing Council, through its contracted partner Ealing Community Partners, West London NHS Trust, will deliver wider stop smoking support to more groups while continuing to work with those with mental health conditions and during pregnancy. Others who will receive support include:

  • people working in routine and manual jobs
  • people living in the most deprived areas of the borough
  • those with long term conditions, in particular, cardiac and respiratory conditions
  • engagement with drug and alcohol service users young people, rough sleepers and people experiencing homelessness
  • Black and minority ethnic groups including Polish community
  • lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

Results really encouraging

Councillor Polly Knewstub, the council’s cabinet member for healthy equal lives, said: “This time last year, we launched a targeted stop smoking service, focusing on pregnant women and people living with mental health conditions. The results were really encouraging. In just 8 months, 46 individuals successfully quit which is a quitter rate of 61%.

“This success has laid a solid foundation for our new, expanded service.

“Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death and disease. This targeted help really does work to help smokers quit and all the evidence shows that quitting truly does improve your health.

“The success of our targeted service has shown us what we can do when we come together as a community to tackle major issues”  

12 week programme

While numbers continue to fall nationally, smoking in the borough is currently 15.9%, which is higher than that across London (11.7%) and England (12.7%).  Smoking is also the main driver of health inequalities, something the council is dedicated to seeing improved.

Those taking part in the programme will receive help from training advisors for up to 12 weeks, and practical help including nicotine containing E-Cigarettes if needed, and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) via GP prescription.

Referrals can be made via GPs or through the Ealing Community Partners website.

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