Outline of 7 people in rainbow colours with speech bubbles

Giving views on the local area in residents survey

What do you think of the local area? How do you use local services? And what are your biggest concerns and priorities? These are the kinds of questions more than a thousand of you will be asked in a survey.

Ealing Council has commissioned an independent research agency, Lake Market Research, to carry out the survey. And their staff will be knocking on people’s doors between 10 November and 16 December.

A total of 1,250 residents will be interviewed face-to-face at their doorstep and the kinds of topics they will be asked about will include: 

  • Your satisfaction with the local area
  • Your views on the council and the services you use  
  • Travel and transport around the borough
  • Volunteering
  • How safe you feel  
  • How you prefer to receive information about the council and its services
  • Health and wellbeing

How the survey will be carried out

Those asked to take part will be selected randomly in all parts of the borough to make sure that the final survey results reflect the views of all residents. This means that not everyone will be able to take part in this survey, but if you are asked then please do help to make sure that all different views are heard.

Interviews, lasting about 25 minutes on an average, will be carried out on residents’ doorsteps using tablet-style data entry devices.

All interviewers will carry their official Lake Market Research identification cards, and also have an authority letter from the council in case requested by a resident. If concerned, authenticity of the survey can also be checked by the calling the council on 020 8825 5000.

Should you wish to check that Lake Market Research is a bona fide market research agency, the Market Research Society can be contacted on 0800 9759596.

Residents’ views will remain strictly confidential to Lake Market Research, and no names or other identifying details will be passed to the council (or any other organisation), without residents’ prior explicit consent.

What happens next

Once the residents survey is completed, the results will be published in the new year. All feedback obtained will help the council to respond better to residents’ needs and shape decision-making to make Ealing an even better place to live, work and visit.

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