Lamps for Eid/Ramadan

Safely celebrating Eid Al-Fitr 2020

Muslims in Ealing and across the world will be safely celebrating Eid Al-Fitr, the celebration at the end of Ramadan, on Sunday (24 May), subject to the sighting of the new moon.

Though Eid is traditionally observed with congregational prayers in mosques and parks, and parties where family and friends gather, Eid in lockdown will be very different. Places of worship remain closed and public gatherings are still prohibited in law.

Celebrating Eid

Those celebrating Eid are encouraged to do so safely from home and virtually with friends and family.

The Muslim Council of Britain has issued guidance identifying that special prayers for the day of Eid may be prayed within households, with gifts exchanged by post, and the celebration shared virtually.

Ensure that you observe social distancing rules, and while you can enjoy meeting one other from another household in public places, please do not take part in large gatherings.

Councillor Joanna Camadoo-Rothwell, cabinet member for community safety and inclusion, said: “At times of celebration, it is understandably very hard to be apart from those with whom you want to share the occasion. However, whilst it is difficult, following the Muslim Council of Britain’s advice and celebrating Eid at home this year will help minimise the risk posed to your family and friends by coronavirus and save lives.

“Wishing you all a safe and happy Eid”

Helpful information

The Muslim Council of Britain have developed a useful infographic identifying ways of observing and safely celebrating Eid Al-Fitr at home and virtually, you may want to read it or download to share with others.

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