Having a wheely good time scooting to stay fit

Scooting to stay fit

School children are perfecting their scooting skills with training in Ealing.

Training gives children the skills and experience to scoot safely, which could encourage more families to travel to school by active modes.

Scooting is a fun way for children to be physically active and a good way of making a journey to school fun.

Training sessions were offered to schools that are those most in need of intervention and support to increase active travel. This measurement is based on obesity levels, air quality, parking issues or areas of multiple deprivation.

Encouraging active travel for school journeys can help to address issues by increasing physical activity and reducing car use.

To support the legacy of this activity and enable future training sessions, Ealing Council provided scooters and helmets for the schools to keep and schools designated at least one teacher to be trained. The council also supplied lesson plans that the teachers could share with other staff.

The following schools took part:

• Dormers Wells Infant School
• East Acton Primary School
• Featherstone Primary School
• Greenwood Primary School
• Khalsa VA Primary School
• Ravenor Primary School
• St Mark’s Primary School
• Tudor Primary School
• Viking Primary School

There are plenty of opportunities for residents to take part in training for many different disciplines – including free cycling training organised by Ealing Council.

Schools or parents that are interested in finding out more can contact the School Travel Team sta@ealing.gov.uk for details on active travel. Or can contact Scootfit directly, who are the organisation that put on the sessions.

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