Council leader Peter Mason

Southall gas works: ‘It is your community’

Peter Mason, leader of Ealing Council has updated local people on the Southall gas works development.

As one of a seven point plan outlined in May, the council’s new leadership is taking urgent steps to address issues of air quality around the old Southall gasworks.

Councillor Mason said: “We are determined to ensure that local people in Southall are in control of change happening in their communities, not developers. This is your community and you are our priority.

“We know that this development has been controversial, and that odours, dust and noise have caused genuine distress and concern to local people in Southall.

 “On my first day as Leader of Ealing Council in May I set out a seven point action plan on the Southall gasworks site, including a commitment to put in place independent air pollution monitoring. Today I’m happy to confirm that this is happening.

After a process that included consultation with CASH campaigners, Ricardo AEA, an independent company, has been appointed and it has committed to implementing independent air quality monitoring and providing near real time data directly to the public.

“Activity will now take place to identify locations for the equipment and put in place the works to support the equipment once installed.

“Along with the equipment being purchased from overseas, activity will now take place to identify locations and support works to enable the equipment to be installed. We are working to get monitoring in place as soon as possible and will make the delivery timeframe public when it’s confirmed.

“We have also recently appointed a new a dedicated Southall-based Environmental Protection Officer, who will be on hand to respond to any concerns about odour, dust or noise.

“They will be in place soon and we will promote the direct number to contact them as soon as they begin working.

“This is a step forward in ensuring openness and transparency around the gasworks development, but we know there will be more to do, and we’re here to listen.”

Cllr Peter Mason has today written to Clean Air for Southall & Hayes (CASH) to update them on these issues. His letter can be read here.

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