Havelock Road

How to stay inside, stay healthy and save lives

While children will find it unusual being at home and not at school; some residents who have to self-isolate may not always have access to digital ways to stay in touch, like the internet or video calls. But there are lots of ways to stay healthy – mentally and physically – during these strange times.

With the new measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus parents and carers who are now working from home with their children can access free resources on how to stay emotionally, physically, and mentally healthy. 

The main ways that people who are working from home can remain healthy is to focus on these four things: 

  • Eat right 
  • Stay physically active 
  • Create a routine 
  • Look after your routine 

Healthy Ealing have put together an information sheet with ideas and suggestions to help support the learning, and health and emotional wellbeing of your pupils and their family during this time. To get top tips on staying healthy download the free PDF

It is also a difficult time for children who will be hearing about coronavirus and may be feeling anxious. There is also advice in the free PDF to help with this, as well as the offer of a daily email that includes an exercise video and lesson plans.

You can sign up for this daily tips email by contacting McGregorN@ealing.gov.uk with the words ‘OPT IN’ in the subject heading. The daily updates will include: 

  • A daily, fun exercise video for you to do first thing in the morning to help you/your family stay active and start your day well 
  • Lesson plans ideas and educational games for your pupils 
  • Important news updates so that you can avoid reading news altogether if it is making you anxious 
  • PLUS: A recipe of the day; mental health tip of the day; and inspiring podcasts, craft ideas and documentaries for your leisure time.

Councillor Yvonne Johnson, cabinet member for schools and children’s services, said: “We need to stay in, in order to save lives, by preventing the spread of this horrendous disease. But doing that brings new challenges, and that is why it is so important to recognise them and stay on top of them.

“For that reason, I encourage parents and carers to download the tips and advice available here to help get them through this difficult time. Please stay safe. Thank you.” 

Staying connected despite social isolation

While many of us are able to stay connected via web and video call in these times of social isolation, a number of residents will not have access to such services and luxuries to keep them socially in touch.

There are plenty of other ways to keep the mind and body active while at home:

  1. Speak to someone. This could be a friend or relative, or it could be one of the many support networks that are available including; Samaritans, Mind UK, Age UK. The Silverline is a free and confidential helpline providing friendship and support to older people.
  2. Get some exercise –. The Green Goddess, Diana Moran, is returning to BBC breakfast television to help the elderly keep fit during the coronavirus crisis
  3. Take up a new hobby – drawing, cooking, reading (there are plenty of online reading groups, take a look at), puzzles, bird spotting, exercise – the list is endless but we’d love to hear your ideas.
  4. Stay healthy – remember to eat well, and share recipes
  5. Be kind. Pay someone a compliment, have some shopping delivered to an elderly neighbour, post a hello card through their door and let them know you are there for them.

Further information on available support can be found on the government website.

Residents who are able to volunteer and want to help out in their local community should visit the new Ealing Together website to register their interest.

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