Working out, outdoors

Restrictions remain in Ealing

Yesterday the government announced that the easing of restrictions will not be going ahead on 21 June.

Earlier this year the government set out a roadmap out of lockdown. England is currently in step 3 and will remain so until 19 July.

This means that much of the high street and leisure centres will remain open, as well as residents being able to meet family and friends indoors.

  • Up to 30 people will be able to meet outdoors. 
  • Indoor dining can resume in pubs and restaurants. The Rule of Six will apply to indoor dining.
  • Cinemas, play areas, theatres, concert halls, hotels, hostels, BnBs, and sports stadiums (subject to capacity limit) can all open.
  • See friends and family indoors, in groups of six or as two households.
  • Adult sport and exercise classes can resume indoors.
  • Weddings, receptions can take place with up to 30 people.
  • Pilot of larger events with mass testing.

A larger breakdown of the restrictions are available on the governments website.

Ealing Summer Festivals have been postponed, but all Ealing Summer Festival events will take place as planned after 19 July.

Changes from 21 June

Some restrictions will be changed from 21 June though, in particular changes to rules on:

  • Weddings and civil partnership ceremonies and wedding receptions or civil partnership celebrations
  • Commemorative events following a death such as a wake, stone setting or ash scattering
  • Large events pilots
  • Care home visits
  • Domestic residential visits for children.

Say yes to the vaccine

The council is also encouraging everyone who is eligible to get their vaccination as soon as possible.

Vaccination is the best defence against COVID-19, so alongside the NHS, the council is working to make it quicker and easier to get fully protected.

If you are 23 years of age or above you can walk-up to CP House to get your first vaccination, but booking an appointment is advised to guarantee the jab. Find out if you are eligible and book now.

There will also be an opportunity to get a vaccine at a pop-up vaccination centre at The Dominion Centre in Southall on Friday, 18 June and Saturday, 19 June between 9am-6pm.

So, residents who are within the eligible cohort should walk-up and get their test if they have not already.

Future pop-up vaccination centres are currently being arranged with the NHS, and more information on these will be announced soon.

The best way to stay safe

Residents are urged to continue to follow the hands, face, space rule when outside of the house and around other people.

  • Hands – wash your hands regularly
  • Face- wear a face covering
  • Space – keep you distance from others.

Get tested

Rapid tests are encouraged to get tested regularly to make sure they are protecting themselves and their loved ones. Testing is available throughout the borough at a number of sites as well as over 50 local pharmacies. You can just turn up and get you test.

Photo by Kate Trifo from Pexels.

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