Kanika Gangwani started working as a teaching assistant at West Twyford Primary School after completing two adult learning courses

Work support if pandemic is damaging career

The coronavirus pandemic is not only proving a risk to people’s health, but also to their livelihoods and job prospects. If this means you, then the council may be able to provide you with some work support.

Visit the work support pages on Ealing Council’s website for advice if you:

  • Are on furlough or the national Job Support Scheme
  • Need help with redundancy
  • Want help with finding work
  • Want to obtain new skills, whether to find new work or ‘upskill’ to improve your prospects.
  • You can also find out about the financial help available, including benefits, debt help and advice on bills and your money.

The webpage also links you to WorkWest, the council’s website for local jobs, training, qualifications and advice on finding employment.

You can also go to the WorkWest website directly to get help and ideas.


If you have been unemployed and receiving benefit for 13 weeks or more, you can get help with finding work through the Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) scheme. You can read more in our story on help for businesses and residents.

It is part of the national Work and Health programme and run in west London by the council’s partner, Shaw Trust. Ask your Jobcentre Plus coach to refer you, or call 0800 389 0186 or email ShawTrustWLA@shaw-trust.org.uk and you could get up to six months of support.


Kickstart is a national programme to give young people the best possible chance of getting a job. Those aged between 16-24 who are unemployed and claiming Universal Credit can apply for a six-month work placement, for at least 25 hours a week.

Ealing Council is taking part in the scheme as an employer. If you would like to know about Kickstart vacancies, email workwestadmin@ealing.gov.uk

Any business can take part in the scheme. Employers will get a one-off payment of £1,500 per job placement and the wages of the young person paid for six months. Read more on the scheme in our story – and also on the council’s Kickstart webpage.


If you have been furloughed, or made redundant, because of the coronavirus or are a key worker in need of training or at risk of digital exclusion, then you could be eligible for a free course.

The council’s adult learning service has lots of courses available, including: Counselling, teacher training, digital/computers, customer services, health and social care, English, maths and business administration. Enrol by emailing adultlearning@ealing.gov.uk or calling 020 8825 5577.

You can read how resident Kanika Gangwani (pictured at the top of this article) was able to change careers, thanks to the help of the adult learning service.

Kanika started working as a teaching assistant at West Twyford Primary School at the start of the last school year. She got the job after completing levels two and three of a ‘supporting teaching and learning’ course through the adult learning service.

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